2024 Challenge Category #8
CHALLENGE CATEGORY #8 A BOOK WITH BOOKS ON THE COVER There are so many wonderful books with books on the cover, both fiction and nonfiction, that it's hard to pick just one! Whether there's just one book hidden in the background or they cover the entire cover, as soon as I see a book on a book, I know it's something I'll love. The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks by Shauna Robinson Shauna Robinson is a new face in the books-about-books subgenre, and her latest venture, The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks, was published just a few weeks ago! When Maggie takes a leap of faith and takes on the challenge of running a bookstore in Bell River, she isn't anticipating the town trying to stop her from selling the contemporary books she loves. Now, with the success of the store being threatened, Maggie must decide what's more important: making the town happy, or sticking to her convictions.